Thursday, October 18, 2007

KC-10 fire

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This is the KC-10 fire that we had.  That truck is Crash-5 set up on the aircraft.  That is my truck that extinguished the fire.  You can see the blanket of foam that was put down to smother the fire.  The pictures are not very good.  I guess that is a government photographer for you.  The refueling boom would not come up so they had to land with it down.  That is what caused the damage and the fire.


Nick + Liz said...

Thanks for the pictures. It is exciting to see what you are doing there.

indyboom said...
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indyboom said...

HAHA> YEah landing with "BOOM IN TRAIL" Is not a good thing. Either the Boom let the refuling a/c exceed limits or they had a hydraulic failure. I guess the nozzle wore down letting JP leak out, and or the "Air Refueling valve" was left open. Either way thats a bad OOPS!